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Naplan Tests Preparation Platform


Naplan Tests Preparation Platform




This is a test tool that consists of two parts ― 

  1. A test creator for teachers and publishers in the corporations to set up Mathematics Tests

  2. A platform where students complete tests assigned by their teachers. 

Creative Fields: Web, Tablet, Mobile

Created: January 2015

The process

  • Kick-off Meeting

  • Interviews

  • Collation and analysis of findings

  • Customer Journey

  • Information Architecture

  • Brainstorm and Sketch Boarding ― ideation

  • UI Design


To assist Product Owner (Content Writer) in the design towards a User-Centred Development.


Validated Business Assumptions and intervened on Product Owner's misinformed goals that were not meeting User Needs, thus prevented further development that would cost the corporation in the long run. Involved Senior Stakeholders in the framing of vision, steered toward User Needs.

Facilitated rapid prototyping with a cross functional team of Interaction Designer, Graphics Designer, Programmer and Product Owner; created interactive prototype; designed User Interface; set visual guidelines.


The Process

Example of an experienced Teacher's Persona

Example of an experienced Teacher's Persona

Example of a Principal/Teacher's Persona

Example of a Principal/Teacher's Persona

Interviewed Users Locally and Remotely

Findings from interviews were converted into documents and Personas to help Stakeholders understand who they were designing for. This would help frame their ideation process at the Sketch-boarding session I facilitated.


Teacher's Journey on Creating a Test

This helps the Product Owner understand Teacher's needs when creating a test for the students.

Question Screen: Design 1

Question Screen: Design 1

Question Screen: Design 2

Question Screen: Design 2

Student's Test Platform ― from findings to ideation

The above sketches focused on answering the question:

Question Screen: How would students navigation through questions to go next, skip, pause, flag, review or submit questions?

I facilitated a sketch-board session with the Product Owner and Interactive Designer. Personas and context of existing test feature helped framed the ideation process. We sat down to sketch our ideas after going through the research placed on the walls of the meeting room.

Dot Voting (green for "Liked") and discussion over reasons for votes was carried out.


Student Test Platform ― UI Design

I gathered the sketches, and picked out the best features then executed the prototype and set up an interactive prototype. This was to test the intuitiveness of the screens.


Teacher's Test Creator ― UI Design for Web and Tablet

I prototyped the creator tool and set visual guidelines. The web development work was subsequently handed over to the team in India.