Mathletics Teacher Platform
This feature is a platform used by Teachers to assign Maths activities to Students, and access other tools such as Videos and Interactive Tests.
Creative Fields: Tablet, Web
Created: March 2016
Project Duties
Introduced UX to the Product Owner and Development Team
Defined and Unpacked the Design Space with Stakeholders
Interviewed Teachers and collated Findings
Usability Tests ― Scenarios and Tasks to reveal User problems in the existing feature
Card sorting and Terminology Testing (not shown here due to non-disclosure agreement)
To steer the Stakeholders toward a user-driven development process; to improve and revamp the current feature and improve Teachers' experience, particularly the clunky navigations.
Through Facilitation Leadership, enabled Programmers to voiced out concerns and funnelled ideas for the vision of project, resulting in shared goals between Product Owner and Programmers.
Evangelised UX to the team.
This helped frame the vision of Teacher Centre
I find this a particularly useful question to think about. It helped us think out of the box and not be afraid to churn out ideas.
Defined Unpacking the Design Space
The goals of this process was to have shared goals between stakeholders in the project team.
I facilitated this discussion session with the Product Owner and Programmers. This gave Programmers a space to voice out concerns and contribute ideas and helped the PO know if everyone shared the same vision.
Questions that helped unpack the Design Space:-
Why do Teachers use Teacher Centre?
What is Teacher Centre about?
What would piss Teachers off?
How do you want it to feel?
What's a real world metaphor of Teacher Centre?
Analysing impact and efforts of different sections in the feature
I facilitated the prioritisation of work using this tool. It helped the team to decide the sections of feature they should work on first via levels of impact and effort for each.
An expert teacher who loved our product
A teacher who disliked our product
Interviews to Empathy Maps
A range of users, Expert to Non-users were interviewed. This reviewed problems in the existing feature, informed on the teachers' needs and frustrations as well as revealed why non-users disliked our product when the Sales Team presented the feature in their school.
Usability Tests
I ran usability tests on the existing feature and drafted the report, then presented to the Product Owner and Developers.